Hello, there!
Hannah here!
Now that you are here in our Affiliate Disclosure page means that you are interested in knowing read more about our affiliate disclosure.
As you know, this is a personal blog where we share our passion for cooking and travel, and when you start to move on to better yourself as a blogger, costs start to pilling up…
As of October 2010, the Federal Trade Commission requires all bloggers to disclose any forms of payment they may receive. In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume the following about links and posts on this site:
Any/all of the links on kasheribbean.com are affiliate links. This means that if you click on the link/links and buy certain items, at not additional cost to you, we will receive a small commission. These commissions are small, but they add up over time and we use what we earn to buy the stuff we need for the blog and special projects. We are really thankful for your support.
When a post contains an affiliate link to a product, it is because it is something that we personally use, support and/or would recommend without an affiliate link.
We only will link to products or services we understand resonate with you, or will help you to achieve the results on a recipe or it totally relates to other types of blog posts (like presents for special occasions in the Holidays section). At this moment, these are the companies we have an affiliate relationship with:
The Judaica Web Store is the largest Judaica Store of all times! It has thousands and thousands of beautiful products, with tradictional, modern and also minimal design, and they offer amazing prices too. You can find affordable products in all categories as well as pricey and fancy stuff as you wish.