
3 Ingredients Coconut Macaroons {Gluten-Free, Passover-Friendly}

3 Ingredients Coconut Macaroons {Gluten-Free, Passover-Friendly}​

3 Ingredients Coconut Macaroons {Gluten-Free, Passover-Friendly}

I remember being a fan of all things coconut, and I still am. It’s aroma it’s one of those things that easily transports me to my roots in the Dominican Republic. It is also a feeling ingredient, that can be added to many dishes, savory and sweet, and prepared in many ways. Now, this cookies combine two things that I enjoy: coconut and crunch. 

Are you a fan of peanut or nut butters? You might want to try these Peanut Butter Cookies which are also made with 3 ingredients.

These cookies are perfect because: 

 – They are passover-friendly 

– It’s made with very few ingredients and requires short prep.

– You can increase this recipe easily to make bigger batches depending your needs.


I baked these cookies for 8 minutes and by the time they were golden all around, crunchy on the outside and a little creamy on the inside. You can reduce the oven temperature to 325F and bake for about 10-15 minutes if you want set cookies that are just lightly crunchy and more creamy. 

Semi sweet chocolate drizzle is a nice addition to this cookies, once they are baked and completely cooled down. 



3 Ingredients Coconut Macaroons {Gluten-Free, Passover-Friendly}
3 Ingredients Coconut Macaroons {Gluten-Free, Passover-Friendly}
3 Ingredients Coconut Macaroons {Gluten-Free, Passover-Friendly}

3 Ingredients Coconut Macaroons {Gluten-Free, Passover-Friendly}

Course Snack
Servings 14 Cookies (20 grs each)


  • 140 gr Coconut  (Finely shredded)
  • 70 gr Egg whites
  • 70 gr Granulated Sugar


  • Preheat your oven to 350ºF (175ºC) and line your baking sheet with a silicon mat or parchment paper.
  • Mix all of your ingredients in a small saucepan, turn on the heat and start heating the mixture while stirring, until the mixture is well incorporated and the coconut is moist.
  • Scoop out cookies of about 20 grams onto your baking sheet. You can also shape little balls in your hands and flatten a little.
  • Bake in your preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until your cookies turn a light golden color.
  • Remove from the oven and let cool completely on the baking sheet.
  • This keep well stored in an airtight container for several weeks.


Optional: You can drizzle or cover these cookies with semi-sweet chocolate or couverture.
Keyword baking, cookies, dairy-free, Gluten-free, passover, sweet treats

Have you make these Peanut Butter Cookies? Use the tag #kasheribbean to share on social media and, don’t forget to follow on instagram and pinterest to keep up with our easy recipes from us and the blogosphere!


3 Ingredients Coconut Macaroons {Gluten-Free, Passover-Friendly}​ Read More »

We are now Kasheribbean

If you have been keeping an eye on us you already noticed our social handles and our website changed, so we are now “Kasheribbean”. In this post we explain our reasons behind it and what Kasheribbean is about.

Have you ever woke up one day and felt like “I just need to do this now”. That’s exactly how I felt one day back in 2017. My sister and I had an idea for a blog and I spent months looking for the perfect host, the perfect domain provider, the perfect concept, the perfect images, and the perfect “everything”.

I ended up with analysis paralysis until one day when I said to myself “is now or never”. So, I just jump at it by buying a domain of the name we both agreed upon, and sisterblissdiary.com was born.

After some time, I personally felt our name wasn’t clear, and didn’t really communicate what we were about. At some point I wasn’t even sure what we were really about! Oops! But I kept going because I thought some day I would make it work.

But it didn’t work…

As much as I tried to give Sister Bliss Diary an identity, it wasn’t really working. It simply didn’t resonate and it wasn’t clear. So I had another idea. What if I was just myself, share what I make at home on a daily basis and and pick a name that represents me better instead of just having to make “special” recipes for the blog, under a name I wasn’t feeling?

So, on the Dominican Republic’s Independence Day , I introduced my first Caribbean recipe: Dominican Style Spicy Sardines Rice. In less than a week it was shared over 100 times on pinterest. I was very, VERY surprised!

I continued blogging, making a dominican recipe here and there, until I started to feel more comfortable and more ideas started flowing on that direction. Without realizing it, I started narrowing down by focusing on Caribbean inspired recipes (instead of just random easy recipes ideas) while continuing with the travel posts and lifestyle posts.

One day, I was talking with my husband about old restaurants ideas we had, and it hit me. Kasheribbean, a word my husband coined years ago as a concept for a restaurant, was THE NAME! The perfect concept for the blog I wanted to create and that better represented who I was; so, in our 1st blog anniversary I announced we were expecting some big changes, included a name change!. It couldn’t wait any longer – the blog needed to undergo a major surgery.

I didn’t figure out everything from the start

I admire all of those talented bloggers that hire a team and have all figure out from the start, but as you can tell, this wasn’t the case here AT ALL, and honestly, I would not have it any other way, because I have learned so much and have discovered others I enjoy (who would have told me that creating a tiny piece of code can be so fulfilling?)

Thankfully, just like human beings, brands and concepts can evolve with time.

So, it was the time for Sister Bliss Diary to transform to Kasheribbean.

Kasheribbean: the place for kasher Caribbean recipes

I love to collect recipes from all over; but back to 15-20 years ago, every time I looked at a kasher cookbook or a promising kasher website, the recipes were either middle eastern recipes or ashkenazi. No offense! I love Middle Eastern food, and I even like Gefilte Fish (which apparently is rare among sepharadim!) but as a jew that grew up in the Caribbean, the lack of representation I felt was real.

So, Kasheribbean = Kasher + Caribbean, and has as a main goal to share with you kasher, family-friendly Caribbean inspired recipes, always made with natural ingredients so that you have the most authentic Caribbean flavor.

Final words

I dedicate this blog to all Caribbean Jews that are always told “there are not jews in the Caribbean”. We exist and this is a place to showcase our flavors and traditions about food.

Do you like Kasheribbean?

If you love what we share, spread some love by following on instagram and pinterest, and don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Stay tune for other exciting news that are already cooking!!

Until next time! 😉

We are now Kasheribbean Read More »

Happy 1st year of blogging!

Today we celebrate our 1st year of blogging! Yay! 🙂

I literally can’t believe how time flies! I feel it was yesterday when I sat down and spent hours starring at the laptop screen. In front of me, I was just one click away of the uncertain-but-fun world of blogging. And, here we are!

Well, I actually just lied a little, because Sister Bliss Diary saw the light as a Blogspot blog, a few months before we decided to move to WordPress and be 100% owners of the blog. I consider those months to be more like a rehearsal. I was personally exploring what can be done and trying to get comfortable first with the technical side of being a blogger. When I made the decision to finally move to a self-hosted blog was exactly one year ago!

From setting up a blog, brainstorming, cooking up recipes, taking pictures, writing a “SEO friendly” posts and everything in between, blogging has definitely been a great learning experience.

These are 5 things I’ve learned on this 1st year of blogging…

5 Things I’ve learned on this year of blogging

  1. Starting a blog is not difficult.
    What is really challenging is to maintain it. But, if you love what you do and you believe in it, you can do it!
  2. Blogging takes a lot of time and effort.
    When I started out I thought blogging was just about writing “the post” and taking a picture for “that” blog,  hit publish and have fun. Surprise! I also needed to plan my grocery shopping and recipes to match the upcoming posts, I needed to take “good” pictures (that alone is a work in itself! and I still have a lot to learn), I needed to do some basic editing, I needed to take SEO into account while writing, I needed to share on social media (because no one will read posts they do not know exist! ha!) and most importantly, I needed to “socialize” with other bloggers in my field as well as potential readers, without being all day starring at my phone, all that while managing what I felt was already a hectic mom and housewife life. Phew!
  3. Photography is fun, but is also technical.
    “Arts” is something I grew up exposed too, but it doesn’t come easy to me. I don’t feel I have that “artistic eye” or that I am “creative”. Because of this, I feel it takes double the effort (and is one of the reasons why I keep my pictures very simple, with just a white background and minimum props and styling), but I still love it! This blogging journey has taught me there is a lot more art to discover.
  4. Blogging can be therapeutic.
    Before blogging, my most efficient therapy and stress reliever was bread baking. For more than a decade, kneading a dough by hand was miraculously healing of the worst emotions, now I can say I have too therapies 🙂 Baking + Blogging 😀
  5. Even when I think “nobody will read that” or “that is not interesting for a blog post”, there are still people out there who will read the and let me know that they like what I do.
    It is so weird! Throughout this blogging journey I have found myself many times arguing inside that a particular post is not good enough, the picture is not good enough, the lightning… and so on, and those exactly have become the most popular! Go figure!

What can you expect from now on?

The idea of sharing easy kasher recipes has always been the main goal of Sister Bliss Diary, but throughout this year it has been evolving from “whatever easy recipe pop up into my head” to a work in progress of Domineterranean recipes :); because these two cooking traditions represent who I am: Dominican + Sephardic.

Since Sister Bliss Diary started, our focus has been Food + Travel + Lifestyle, and I have to say, it has been difficult to keep up with the travel and lifestyle part. I find it challenging to move around and tell where I go or what I do, but you can expect to read more about the highlights of my trips, and a bit more about the things I do as a mother on a daily basis. Apart from that, you can expect curated posts and judaism related posts, specially close to the special occasions and holidays.

Since SBD started, I had the idea of also posting in spanish. I asked over instagram stories and according to the poll, the majority thought this wasn’t really necessary, so we are sticking to the english, at least for now.

Finally, (and this one is very exciting!) in the upcoming months you can expect a name change. Yup. You read that right. We are in constant evolution , and we believe that to grow bigger and better, we need a name that reflects that change and what we are about even better. So, stick around if you want to know when the proper time comes! Yay!

Top 5 Posts of the year

Of course, we cannot end up this post without looking back to the most popular posts of this year of blogging:

  1. Pesach Ingredients Swap List
    This is definitely the fastest blog post I’ve ever published so it actually surprises me (or maybe not) that is the most popular post so far.
  2. Luscious Chocolate Ganache Ice Cream
    One day my son wanted some ice cream and the easiest method I could think of was to make some chocolate ganache and freeze it. It was so easy and quick to make. When I served it to my son and he told me it was delicious, I was like “I need to take some pictures to share!” I quickly took some pics and wrote down the ingredients and measurements. A few minutes later it occurred to me that it would be a nice post because Who doesn’t love ice cream? Apparently you agree. 🙂
  3. The Ultimate Vegan Meatballs
    This recipe was the result of an emergency mix & match of ingredients! The result was so good I ended up making the recipe the next day for shabbath. To make the story short, the guests loved it and the later told me have been making my recipe ever since. Another random day, a notification popped up on my phone, from one of the vegan recipe groups I follow on Facebook. “This are seriously the best Vegan Meatballs out there!” and my first thought was: “if those are the best, I have to try them!!”. Imagine my surprise when I clicked on that notification and saw a link to my very own recipe!!. I spent like a month so elated! If it is  just that one recipe that people love, all the work and love I put into this blog is worthy!
  4. Dominican Style Spicy Sardines Rice
    This one I posted on Dominican Republic Independence Day. It is not what dominicans will consider the most traditional dish of the country but, is a recipe I love and I think this was actually the first “dominican” recipe I posted on the blog, so I am happy it made it to the Top 5.
  5. Warm Barley, Roasted Beets & Chickpeas Salad
    This one was unexpected because I just suffered so much to take the pictures that day lol. It was cloudy! I remember I wanted something hearty, filling and warm that wasn’t soup,a nd I got it with this delicious warm barley salad.

I honestly didn’t expect to celebrate one year of blogging after so many failed attempts. Thank you so much for sticking with us throughout this journey. Thank you for your kind messages of encouragement, and thank you for those emails filled with joy when you’ve tried one of our simple recipes. It makes this blogging experience more fulfilling.

Don’t forget to follow on Instagram and Pinterest, as we continue this fun journey together. And, if you love what we do, tell your friends, and when you try one of our recipes, don’t forget to tag us #kasheribbean, so that we can share the joy!

To many more years of blogging!!

Happy 1st year of blogging! Read More »